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Strong Delivery

Labor can be HARD work- but my gosh, watching this woman deliver her little girl with SO MUCH STRENGTH was nothing short of breathtaking and inspirational.
Sara is passionate about health & fitness, and noted the differences it made in her second pregnancy and delivery – this time, she felt so much stronger, in her core, and with her ability to push.
Exercise helps prepare you for labor in different ways, and endurance is one. Even more importantly- the endurance on your MINDSET! You develop the ability to give just a little more, and it’s so much more than just physically- and watching how that translated to @sar.born birth story was SO apparent.
Beautiful, strong, amazing, and dedicated. This was one of the most beautiful births I’ve ever witnessed and it was an honor to be alongside this amazing family ❤️ .
AND with an amazing midwife from @withwomenwellness ? They are THE best for a holistic, progressive birth within the hospital setting. LOVE them!
#strongwomen #fitpregnancy #exercise #midwives #douladorie #withwomenwellness #birth #pregnancy

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