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Letting the universe show you where you belong.?

Manifesting, moving out of your own way, and letting the universe show you where you belong.?


Today, I power walked a little under 3 miles. I was listening to an audio book about the universe having your back. I knew I needed to be physically active today, but I really needed to get in touch and connect mentally/energetically/spiritually as well. This was the perfect combo.


2 miles in, the audio book begins to prepare me for a 5 minute guided meditation- as I’m approaching a little pond, with a long path of grass to the side and lots of shade, fairly private from the sidewalk I had been on. PERFECT timing. I wander down, sit, and begin my meditation.


I am envisioning what I desire for myself- an abundant, fulfilling, and financially rewarding career. Imagery of myself supporting laboring women comes into my mind space. It was just there, and was so on point for what I dream of doing each day. .

As I breathe in and seal this all in with love and ensure that it’s a full body experience and that this light and breathe touches every corner of my physical body, I’m feeling so grounded, so connected, so high, and so in tune. I go back to press play on my audio book, and see a Facebook notification, someone tagging me in a post about a woman looking for a doula.


The audio book goes on to say how things that are in the way of your true path will be removed once you’ve let go of fear etc, and that it may seem like a bad thing happening at the time- but it will show you it was meant to move you in a different direction.


This was also experienced today. .

I am getting better each day at quickly coming back to connect and be in tune, and learning more and more about manifesting and removing blocks to keep me going in the direction I belong. I am so grateful for those who inspire me, near and far, and for those experiences that have helped shape me and taught me to let go and move with love ❤️ I am investing the time to grow, so that I am no longer in my own way.


Doula Dorie is not my dream, Doula Dorie is my reality. It will grow exponentially and fulfill me & others, and spread lots of love and great energy with amazing vibes to sprinkle all around ✨?

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