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The Beginning of #DoulaDorie

#throwback #fromtheretohere
The reason I became a #doula:
11 years ago, my first baby was born. I was newly 21, and naive as hell. My research on pregnancy and birth consisted solely on the episodes of “A Baby Story” & “Birth Day” on TLC, and the book “Belly Laughs” by Jenny McCarthy. Granted, I was pregnancy obsessed, and watched those shows without fail, every damn day, before DVR was a thing, after school, from when I was in 5th grade or so on.
I was taken advantage of. I was offered an induction of convenience at 40 Weeks, 6 days. It was unnecessary, and I had medicine placed on my cervix, IV lines feeding me fluids and pitocin, wasn’t able to eat food, and was strapped to a bed for monitoring. They FORGOT to actually connect the line delivering pitocin til late night, after they’d been cranking it up. They plugged me in and I was battered by endless unnatural contractions. Nurses popped by occasionally, while I was there thinking I was dying.
Doctor after resident after student checked my cervix, without permission, but with first TELLING me they were checking each time. In a line.
Eventually, I had an epidural because I blacked out. I couldn’t feel a damn thing- and pushed for 4 hours. Pushing began 26 hours after I arrived at the hospital. They gave me an episiotomy without consent, and had a student stitch me up. That student did it “wrong” so the doctor had to redo it.
I felt weird and gross about my birth, because everything happened TO me. I wasnt in control. I had no idea what each thing was about. I did NOT HAVE TO GO THROUGH THIS. But I didn’t know that.
So today, I am here to urge women to be a part of their own experience. UNDERSTAND what is happening, and take an alternative route when it’s safe to do so. Be active, and check out evidence based information to learn what can truly make your experience your own, and a WONDERFUL memory instead of one filled with shame and all kinds of yucky feelings.
I am a doula. If I never had this experience, I may have never chosen to become a doula, so I do believe it happened for a reason. I believe I have helped countless families have better Birth experiences, through conversations I have had over the last 11 years when friends asked me what it’s like to be pregnant and give birth, through helping my friends and family members through their birth experiences by their side in the hospital, and by working as a doula professionally and helping to offer education, insight, and the knowledge that there ARE options and choices for YOU!
This is your body. This is your baby. This will forever be YOUR memory of bringing your child into this world. Whether it’s an induction, epidural, cesarean, quick birth, Long Birth, home birth, unassisted Birth – remember this.
YOU HAVE CHOICES. YOUR body. YOUR body. Ask questions. Hire a doula. Attend childbirth education classes. Be aware of the policies and procedures of your practice & the facility you’ll deliver at. Make sure that YOU are in the know, and that YOU are comfortable with all of it. You do not ever need to compromise your safety, and you do not EVERY need to compromise the respect and honor your body, your dignity, and your baby deserve.

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